Get Rid Of Acne

             Acne, medically known as Acne Vulgaris, is a skin disease that involves the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. It commonly occurs during puberty when the sebaceous (oil) glands come to life - the glands are stimulated by male hormones produced by the adrenal glands of both males and females.

           Acne is not dangerous, but can leave skin scars. Human skin has pores (tiny holes) which connect to oil glands located under the skin. The glands are connected to the pores via follicles - small canals. These glands produce Sebum, an oily liquid. The sebum carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin. A small hair grows through the follicle out of the skin. Pimples grow when these follicles get blocked, resulting in an accumulation of oil under the skin.

        The word acne comes from the word acme meaning "the highest point", which comes from the Greek akme meaning "point" or "spot" - it was originally mispelt, with an 'n' rather than an 'm' in 1835. 

        In humans, pimples tend to appear on the face, back, chest, shoulders and neck.

Simply put - skin cells, sebum and hair can clump together into a plug, this plug gets infected with bacteria, resulting in a swelling. A pimple starts to develop when the plug begins to break down.

        Scientists from the Washington University School of Medicine found that there are good and bad strains of bacteria which determine the severity and frequency of developing acne. They explained in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology (March 2013 issue) that not all acne bacteria trigger pimples - in fact, one strain they identified can actually help keep the skin pimple-free.

There are various types of pimples

  • Whiteheads - remain under the skin and are very small.

  • Blackheads - clearly visible, they are black and appear on the surface of the skin. Remember that a blackhead is not caused by dirt. Scrubbing your face vigorously when you see blackheads will not help.

  • Papules - visible on the surface of the skin. They are small bumps, usually pink.

  • Pustules - clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are red at their base and havepus at the top.

  • Nobules - clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are large, solid pimples. They are painful and are embedded deep in the skin.

  • Cysts - clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are painful, and are filled with pus.Cysts can easily cause scars.

How common is acne?

          Dermatologists (skin specialists) say that approximately three-quarters of 11 to 30 year-olds will get acne at some time. Acne can affect people of all races and all ages. It most commonly affects adolescents and young adults, although there are people in their fifties who still get acne. According to Brown University, USA, approximately 17 million Americans are estimated to have acne at any one time. 

Although acne affects both men and women, young men suffer from acne for longer - probably because testosterone, which is present in higher quantities in young men, can make acne worse.

What causes acne?

        Nobody is completely sure what causes acne. Experts believe the primary cause is a rise in androgen levels - androgen is a type of hormone. Androgen levels rise when a human becomes an adolescent. Rising androgen levels make the oil glands under your skin grow; the enlarged gland produces more oil. Excessive sebum can break down cellular walls in your pores, causing bacteria to grow. 

       Some studies indicate that susceptibility to acne could also be genetic. Some medications which contain androgen and lithium may cause acne. Greasy cosmetics may cause acne in some susceptible people. Hormone changes during pregnancy may cause acne to either develop for the first time, or to recur. 

       A study published in February 2013 has suggested a link between a diet high in glycemic index foods and dairy products.

What causes acne - diagram


Looking after your skin if you have acne (or are prone to acne)

  • Wash your face about twice each day. Do not wash it more often. Use a mild soap made especially for people with acne, and warm water. Do not scrub the skin. Experts advise the use of an OTC lotion which contains benzoyl peroxide.

  • Don't try to burst the pimples. You may push the infection further down, causing more blocking and worse swelling and redness. Popping pimples makes scarring more likely.

  • If you have to get rid of a pimple for some event, such as a wedding, or public speaking occasions, ask a specialist to treat it for you.

  • Try to refrain from touching your face with your hands. When you are on the phone try not to let the receiver touch your face - there may be sebum and skin residue on it.

  • Keep your hands clean, wash them regularly.

  • Always wash your hands before touching your face. This includes before applying lotions, creams or makeup.

  • Glasses should be cleaned regularly. They will collect sebum and skin residue.

  • You skin needs to breathe. If your acne is on your back, shoulders or chest try wearing loose clothing. Tight garments, such as headbands, caps and scarves should be avoided - if you have to wear them make sure they are cleaned regularly.

  • Don't go to sleep with makeup on. Only use makeup that is nonceomedogenic ornonacnegenic - you should be able to read this on the label. If you cannot find it, ask the shopkeeper or pharmacist. You should use makeup which does not have oil and does not clog up the pores.

  • Hair collects sebum and skin residue. Keep your hair clean and away from your face.

  • Too much sun can cause your skin to produce more sebum. Several acne medications make it more likely that you will be sunburned.

  • If you shave your face, do it carefully. Use either an electric shaver or safety razors. If you use a safety razor make sure the blade is sharp. Soften your skin/beard with warm soapy water before applying the shaving cream.

What can make acne worse?

  • Menstrual cycle - Girls and women with acne tend to get it worse one or two weeks before their menstrual period arrives. This is probably due to hormonal changes that take place. Some people say they eat more chocolate during this time and wonder whether there may be a connection. However, experts believe the worsening acne is not due to chocolate, but rather to hormonal changes.

  • Anxiety and stress - mental stress can affect your levels of some hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which in turn can make acne worse. Again, stress can make some people binge-eat. Experts believe the culprits are most likely the hormone levels, rather than the binge-eating.

  • Hot and humid climates - when it is hot and humid we sweat more. This can make the acne worse.

  • Oil based makeups - moisturizing creams, lubricating lotions, and all makeup that contain oil can speed up the blocking of your pores.

  • Greasy hair - some hair products are very greasy and might have the same effect as oil based makeup. Hair products with cocoa butter or coconut butter are examples.

  • Squeezing the pimples - if you try to squeeze pimples your acne is more likely to get worse, plus you risk scarring.
Information collected from Medical News

8 Natural Remedies for ACNE 

1. Tomatoes/Tomato Pulp: The acidity in tomatoes helps skin dry up acne. Not only this, but inside of the tomato are vitamins (A,C and K) and lycopene, which can be found in many acne healing medications. For a simple take on the tomato for clear skin, slice one open and simply place it on the problematic areas of your face. You can also grind or mash up the tomato into a pulp consistency and apply like a facial mask, repeating the process regularly and you'll see the difference.

2. Honey and Cinnamon: Honey is an unprocessed antibacterial agent that kills bacteria and eliminates acne. Cinnamon has beneficial properties from essential oils in cinnamon bark, allowing it to be an anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory agent to the skin. Combine the two and create a face mask to aide your skin in repairing damage.

3. Potato: One potato can provide 70% of vitamin C (which boosts collagen production in the body and helps prevent and heal damage from the sun, stress and environment) and vitamin B (for healthy DNA production, skin cell regeneration and it actually penetrates the epidermis rather than sitting on top). Plus, potatoes contain niacin for skin-lightening due to hyper-pigmentation from acne or other skin conditions. Shredded, raw potato will not only act as an acne remedy, but help remove hyper-pigmentation, bright the skin and prevent wrinkles.

4. Lemon Juice: We all know that lemons are high in acidity. Not only does this allow pimples to dry out, but it also kills acne bacteria. Lemon is known to provide a calming effect to the skin and the vitamin C content maintains healthy and glowing skin. For direct application to the skin, take a cotton ball and squeeze fresh lemon juice on it and apply it to problem areas.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar: The lesser popular vinegar than balsamic, this regulates the pH of your skin and can help with detox. Malic and lactic acids are also found in the vinegar for assistance in softening and exfoliating skin, using as a toner and treating acne all over your body. Weaken the vinegar with water and apply to the face as a toner.

6. Garlic: Allicin, sulphur, zinc and calcium properties are all found in garlic and act as antibiotic and antifungals, helping to clean the skin. To use garlic, crush cloves, mix with water and apply to the skin.

7. Cucumber: Hydration! Cucumbers are 95% water, they remove dead skin cells and clean pores. They can be used as a face wash as they moisturize and remove extra oil. Grind cucumbers and mix with water for application to the face.

8. Olive Oil: For scarring treatment, use olive oil. Although you may cringe at the thought of olive oil helping with any aspect of acne, when you have acne, it may cause the skin to lose its expansion properties. The oil helps rejuvenate your skin and bring it back from its damaged and dry texture that acne brought on. Apply a salt and olive oil mixture on the skin and rinse with warm water.